Mentifacts are the values, ideas and beliefs we hold. Culture propels how we use the power of language, religion, and values. This term coined by English biologist Sir Julian Huxley, squarely places “culture” at the core of what we do and how our beliefs are programmed.
Everything important is within us. It is our differences and uniqueness that produces change. Mentifacts unites us. When we stop building walls, we can build a temple.
We share common sense, gratitude and respect from the heart. We believe in stretching out minds to strengthen our purpose. Our shared mission is to evolve.
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Meet the Author

I'm Brooklyn, New York born. I lived for the moments playing baseball and basketball. My passions included stamp collecting and raising tropical fish. Managing retail stores was an adrenalin fix for me. I saw my friends disappearing to university towns far away. Why not head west? My gut said go for it and I headed to Arizona State University in Tempe.
My interests exploded to studying different cultures through Anthropology and Archaeology. I became conscious of a whole new world...