Peak Performance | October 15, 2024 Latest Articles WHAT IF?
Peak Performance | April 9, 2024 Latest Articles Want, Need and Dream
Lifestyles, Peak Performance, Personal Growth | April 9, 2022 Latest Articles Love, Awareness and Faith
Lifestyles, Personal Growth | February 7, 2022 Latest Articles Magic Is In The Air
Personal Growth, Worldviews | January 27, 2022 Latest Articles Leaders Without A Voice


Mentifacts are the values, ideas and beliefs we hold. Culture propels how we use the power of language, religion, and values. This term coined by English biologist Sir Julian Huxley, squarely places “culture” at the core of what we do and how our beliefs are programmed.

Everything important is within us. It is our differences and uniqueness that produces change. Mentifacts unites us. When we stop building walls, we can build a temple.

We share common sense, gratitude and respect from the heart. We believe in stretching out minds to strengthen our purpose. Our shared mission is to evolve.

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Want, Need and Dream

Want, Need and Dream

Programs of advertisers Food, Housing and air Love is the...

Love, Awareness and Faith

LAF heals and connects to the Collective Conscious For too...

Magic Is In The Air

Do you believe in magic? The Lovin´ Spoonful made that...
18 - Nostalgia, November 2019, Lifestyles

Leaders Without A Voice

Considering the last two years what should we reflect on?...

Tip Of The Iceberg

For two years, and far too many decades, we the...
Stary Night I


So many interpretations. Keeping it simple...I believe it is our...
Pathway I

Energy & Mathematics

We continue to reach ever further into space. So many...


Memories, Mindfulness and Meditation It’s 8:30 a.m. at the café....


Marty is one of the great thinkers and articulators of the ideas that define us. He is a visionary and also, brings people together in a dialogue. In his many writings and his facilitation of discussion, he has been terribly important to what keeps us sane.
RK, Author/Writer, California, USA

Through a prism of his unique experience and lifelong pursuit of understanding, Dr. Rosenberg guides us in a direct and honest conversational style. His illuminates our day-to-day journey in this our oft-intimidating modern world. He provides refreshing, nutrient-rich food for thought.
SP, Art Director, Guadalajara, Mexico

Martin Rosenberg’s new ‘Mentifacts’ blog is a fine destination if you are looking for thought-provoking writing. Rosenberg brings a fresh perspective to aspects of the world we live in. He cajoles us into looking deeper at ideas that we might otherwise have given a quick once-over. I always find a new wrinkle and some genuine “Aha” moments when I spend time with this writer’s work.
RL, Photographer, Florida, USA

I’ve read the articles Martin has written for a few years and look forward to each one. They have a straightforwardness and thought-provoking subjects. He makes me think and I appreciate that. His writing opens my heart and my mind.
CW, Designer, California, USA

Martin is a true Renaissance Man. He explores the Americas and shares his unique insights and perspectives on a variety of topics.
ER Colorado/U.S.

I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know Marty on a personal level and have also enjoyed his articles. While being very knowledgeable on a wide variety of topics that examine the human condition, he is warm and approachable. His articles do not so much endeavor to instill in his readers an outlook on their world that is kinder and more noble, as they try to distill the best from within ourselves. He encourages us to ask important and sometimes awkward questions that more of us should be pondering. Yet behind all the seriousness, there is an impish grin you know he is moments away from.
TH, Canada, Board Chairman

We all need resilience in our lives now. To strengthen my resilience I read Mentifacts. Mentifacts content is the creation of Martin Rosenberg, a 21st century Eric Sevareid (author, journalist, and CBS commentator during his lifetime). Martin Rosenberg’s columns look at the big picture, ask hard questions, and draw us back to what’s in our hearts and culture. A stimulating read.
Rex Cruse, Ph.D., J.D.

Marty is like a country doctor who dispenses wisdom in a gentle bedside manner. Deep thoughts with a spoonful of sugar.
WH, Consultant, International

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Grab The Brass Ring

Our daily world spins like a vintage carousel. This book takes us on a vibrant and personal ride, through humorous essays on cowboy boots, fingernails, and cooking schools...

Sacred Grounds

Sacred Grounds lifts our spirits by connecting with universal themes. Through the author’s personal and often humorous take on life’s challenges and blessings, he shares a vivid journey...

Mist Over The River Styx

Archaeologist Colten James Reid, Ph.D. takes his sabbatical from New York’s Museum of Natural History on the eve of his 60th birthday...

Meet the Author

Marty b-w photo

I'm Brooklyn, New York born. I lived for the moments playing baseball and basketball. My passions included stamp collecting and raising tropical fish. Managing retail stores was an adrenalin fix for me. I saw my friends disappearing to university towns far away. Why not head west? My gut said go for it and I headed to Arizona State University in Tempe.
My interests exploded to studying different cultures through Anthropology and Archaeology. I became conscious of a whole new world...

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Want, Need and Dream

Want, Need and Dream


Love, Awareness and Faith