Channel Switching

Gazing at the morning light over Banderas Bay I felt torn between beauty, joy and this morning’s breaking news. Why was my mind a tsunami of thoughts and distractions? There was no medical emergency, financial loss, broken relationship or family death to blame. Maybe I needed to filter out some of the information I let in?

I am blessed with a loving partner who showed me a different path to open the heart-body-mind connection. She patiently shared her discoveries with me. Did I want to quell my dominating ego and be more open-minded? The ego serves me well in business and public speaking but not in relationships.

Wayne Dyer’s celebrated talks have inspired millions. Yet before his death in 2015 he acknowledged that his ego was a controlling force. Learning that he was the third most popular speaker in his field he felt compelled to know who were numbers one and two. It was Deepak Chopra and Eckhart Tolle. Dyer’s reaction was to produce much more to get to the top. Our ego spares no one from its tentacles except enlightened beings and the deceased.

My stubborn Taurus pattern is to stay with what is familiar. I wanted to open my mind and get on a personal growth journey. With seven decades behind me, I had nothing to lose.

I have held two strong beliefs. Only science is factual and verifiable and channelers, intuitives and psychics are frauds or superb actors. The first belief on science has changed. I read about string theory, dark matter, and the infinite expanding universe that might support other life. The known boundaries of science, astronomy and mathematics change. New discoveries lead to new theories, and our knowledge of what might be real, grows. Scientists now talk about their personal experiences with metaphysical events. These are highly credible people I could not ignore. I wasn’t looking for guidance from proponents of sorcery and mysticism.

I remembered a childhood visit to an uncle in New Jersey and heard him tell my Dad about Edgar Casey, and Shirley MacLaine’s writings on nonphysical dimensions. There are no coincidences, so this memory must have meaning to me. Go for it, Marty, the retired archaeologist in me said. Dig deeper.

There are many presenters of information. We have seen law enforcement agencies around the world ask a channeler for help when a case offered no clues. Remember when science fiction seemed a fantasy?

We live a three-dimensional experience. How can I move my thinking outside these boundaries? I wanted to meet some channelers and listen to what they had to report. How should I assess their content? Simple. Use the same logic I would apply when considering any new source of information:

Is my gut okay with this presenter? Do I feel the message is truthful?

Is it helpful to me in daily life?

I began with Einstein and other physicist’s concept that everything is energy. If a channeler had heightened sensory awareness they could tune into unseen energy and higher frequencies. They would hear someone else’s thoughts, not actual words. Their difficult task is to interpret those messages into our language. We’ve all experienced an energy jolt. Since we have underdeveloped capacity, nonphysical dimensions are normally beyond our consciousness.  

I used to believe serendipity and coincidence had nothing to do with my thoughts and attitude. That thinking has gone the way of fax machines and the Sony Walkman.

Step one was to be open, and admit that I possessed five very limited senses. I had too many distractions by staying attached to many news channels.

From childhood, our parents, teachers and religious spokesmen cajoled us to grow up. We should have been encouraged to grow within. I believe today’s youth feel more connected and respect all living things.

Can this old dog learn something new? Sure, and for me, it’s easier than learning a new language. I wanted off my old leash to roam freely.

Searching for the most popular and respected channelers is easy and fun. Our Internet guru, Google, spews out links to the top twenty. Go beyond the paid sponsors they list on top. Cross check the rankings and pick, say, five, to begin your journey. YouTube takes you deeper into archived interviews, talks, and documentary films. My partner and I watch and learn from Morning Conversations with Jim Self and Roxanne, for example, as they feel like a couple we’d love to have as friends.

The path forward always has bumps in it. How we react to these events is important. We begin each day feeling blessed and grateful. We observe so much more now. Though empathic to the chaotic world that we can’t personally fix, offering a helping hand locally keeps our heart open.

Nurture yourself and enjoy Vallarta’s beauty. And, by all means, switch channels.

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