Be Of The World, Not In It

As you browsed the bookshelves one title seemed to glow. You couldn’t resist its attraction. At that moment, it meant nothing, but soon the message would become clear. No coincidence here…you were ready.

Those seconds of freedom from worldly distractions opened the door to an unexpected opportunity. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we would invite more such opportunity into our life?

Why the title of this Insight article? I didn’t invent this phrase. It seems simple, yet it is profound, if we understand how it could influence our health, happiness and prosperity. Stay with me to explore this further.

On too many occasions a glorious morning walk is broken with a chance meeting with an acquaintance. This brief exchange starts with my “How are you? Great to see you.” What follows, could set the tone for your entire day…or not. In too many cases, I hear about an illness, family strife, horrific tragedy in the news, or raving about a political figure.

Do I want to get drawn into a world that is not my doing, not my problem, and clearly not in my power to change? I stay empathic, but not involved…and graciously exit this visit quickly to “keep my appointment.” This is not something I learned to do decades ago. It didn’t seem necessary then. Why now? Has the world changed that much? Does everything around us seem to be moving faster? Why do I worry more, laugh less and question whether my daily news is truth or conspiracy?

I understand that my version of reality varies from the views of friends, family and the mass media madness of “breaking news.” The tsunami of information, stories and descriptions of events, and their causes, streaming to us through the Internet, is no longer easily accepted as true or factual. I don’t feel joyful, creative and energetic with such information. It could also affect everyone I come in contact with who sensed my anxiety. Remember that brief meeting I described earlier. If I let someone’s beliefs in…my mind shapes my behavior and attitude to reflect that information. My thoughts are powerful as are yours. We all want to “speak our own truth.”

A single word, truth, has multiple meanings. It gets modified by the context the subject is surrounded by…its context. News is merely information, mostly opinions, events and things such as electric cars.

How did the words “fake news” become the acceptable response to an opinion a person disagrees with? Why isn’t an honest response, “I hear what you’ve said, and while I don’t agree with you, I will consider it. Then we can form our opinion, which becomes our truth (our opinion).

I admire the scholars, leaders and scientists who can say “don’t believe what I say, just consider it and form your own opinion. We implore our children’s teachers to help students become critical thinkers. As adults, however, we argue opinions over the dinner table where I am right and you are wrong. There’s always a flip side to everything.

What is presented as true, might not be factual. Or seen through a speaker’s biased experiences may only reflect their reality, not mine.

The best advice I ever received from a gifted mentor was threefold. Be discerning, observe carefully and consider based on my personal experience. How I wish I could practice this in all aspects of my life.

If you were with me so far…its time to lighten-up and share some “bits and bobs” as the English would say.

Truth or Consequences is a city in New Mexico. I’ve been there a number of times over the years. Like Vallarta, it has undergone great change. There are a lot of moans and groans over what change brings. Most people are wary of change…the unknown consequences!

T Or C as it is known, started as “Hot Springs.” In the 1930s it was famous for its healing baths. During the 40s and 50s a radio, and then popular TV show, was called Truth or Consequences. As good marketers and real estate developers are born to do…they promote. The game show sought a town willing to name itself Truth or Consequences. So this quiet community took the name and was suddenly thrust into the limelight as a resort. Sound familiar? How did it fare? Did the families that had businesses there and children wanting to stay and live there thrive, or leave? They stayed, and now they enjoy, with gratitude, the fruits of their labors.

Their city is a short drive to Richard Branson’s Space Port, next to Elephant Butte Dam and popular lake, a theater in town, walking trails,

Museums, spas and hotels, art galleries, restaurants, fishing and the original healing waters now overflow with happy visitors and residents. Nearby, new communities arose to enjoy the amenities that change produced. Change is a constant…there is so much beauty, nature and wonderful community life around us when we see beyond our old beliefs. This is 2020. We’d like that vision. It’s a year where more truth and clarity will be revealed. Go beyond the headlines. We know this is a most challenging time. Just like in politics…our most meaningful actions are local. In a year of great change, there is also great opportunity.

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