Common Sense

What seems simple, we humans manage to make complex. Our unique intelligence, however, also takes the complex and simplifies it. This is a unique time of responsible social isolating and physical distancing. This is therefore a great opportunity to consider other ideas, learn on our own, and strengthen our mind/body connection.  I recognize with sadness that not everyone has the freedom of choice right now… food, shelter and health must come first. 

We are only 1.2% genetically different from the chimpanzee. But only humans create new meanings through a language where we combine and order words in many ways to communicate. So, I wondered, how intelligent is our species? Do we exercise our personal power wisely?

I am a pragmatic optimist. Oxymoron or not, my anthropology study of many cultures demonstrated the amazing genius and the foolishness of people. Our childhood training and cultures shaped who are. Old beliefs are subject to change if we are curious. For example, our physical world seems very real to us. Our five day-to- day senses give us the illusion that a table is solid. We’ve experienced tables many times and immediately know what it is. Thanks to a particle physicist neighbor, I learned a little about neutrinos and quantum physics that changed my perspective. Mentally, let’s downsize the observable table to its smallest scientific structure. Now a different understanding of the universe is possible. We’ve learned that energy (and mass) cannot be created or destroyed but can change form.  Cleopatra’s and DaVinci’s forever neutrinos are passing through something or me at this very moment. When we put certain elements and atoms together, changing their structural form, sometimes solid things are formed. Have some fun…look at a few particle physic talks on YouTube. Objects are far more than what they seem. If we can change complex forms I can use my intelligence to change my beliefs. Not easy, but not impossible.

One belief I want to change is taking for granted that NEWS is good for me. Intuitively that doesn’t feel right. If its bad for me than most news is affecting risks I perceive, dreams and my body’s reaction. I need my power to counterbalance this to avoid feeling depressed or negative.

How can I better understand this in a period of physical confinement and social distancing? I noticed many personal comments on social media ranging from anger to compassion. From assertiveness to loss of self-esteem. From creative ideas to a bleak outlook. I wondered…the power of self seems critical to our mental and physical well being and our self-esteem. Maybe self-esteem is the major element in feeling my personal power?

POWER surrounds us in daily life. I saw a Hummer pass me by, a photo of a Royal with a jeweled tiara, gated residences, a leader surrounded by followers…you can add your own observations to this brief list. I’m deliberately not addressing narcissistic behavior as we readily recognize its traits. Personal power is to me…what I do and who I am. Studies have shown that elevating one’s power increases self-esteem. I’m neither a psychologist nor guru. I learn best from “simple” and “practical.”  How do I want to feel?

I don’t want to control others yet maintain an attitude of inner strength, confidence and competence to deal with everyday problems. Deepok Chopra MD has eight traits he wrote on the website. I found them relevant and helpful.

My immediate task is to filter out government briefings (unless virus and health focused), streaming news media, podcasts, and social media.

Exchanging personal emails with significant others and friends is healthy and comforting. Here is why reducing media “news” is so important.

It is a widely, but not universal view in psychological studies that humans have a “negativity bias.” I’ve never felt that we have a bleak nature or collective pessimism. Studies show, however, that we see flaws more than assets, feel losses heavily vs. gains, and we’re activated more by fear than opportunities. We have seen in many cultures how political, personal or corporate smear campaigns are more potent than positive content. We aren’t born with this bias. Perhaps society’s programming alters our nature so we fit in?

Anything I can do to reduce negative thoughts and feelings should lower my stress level. My coffee cup is half full…once an optimist, always trying to manifest a positive outcome.

In closing I smiled at this articles title, Common Sense (Cents). Which led to learning that the U.S. penny still in circulation costs 1.7 cents to make. Worth a laugh as we seriously ponder what needs to change as this pandemic evolves.   

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