Spirituality, Consciousness and Hate

A Human Paradox

A seeming contradiction, on investigating further, may reveal greater understanding and clarity. For example, when we are facing a deadline or oppressive situation our passion is ignited and a creative energy usually emerges. Brilliant artists, writers and designers have demonstrated this paradox throughout human history.  Hate may be one of the darkest of our species traits.

If we hurt others, we too experience pain, though not necessarily simultaneously. When we express love, we draw to us the same vibration and feeling. Like a magnet, we can either repel or attract, it is our choice how to act and react to circumstances.

It is no wonder the algorithms of popular search engines and social media bring together like minds and exclude diversity of opinions, ideas and consequences. Such a process is applauded when shopping for a book, movie or music. The paradox of the Internet is also its power to aggregate the mindlessness of hate.

When we detach ourselves from highly judge mental and angry diatribes in the daily news media, and especially exploitive headlines,

we stop feeding these profit devouring systems. It is our free will that can cease thoughts of hate so we don’t attract more of it.

The term war embraces positive and destructive mental images. It has been politically strategic to propose wars on drugs, mental illness, child abuse and illegal sales of weapons. Ironically, there is little visible, active war on diabetes, alcoholism, sex trafficking, offshore trusts for the super elites, and educational inequality. Much stronger than hate, is the term abhor. We should embrace that feeling when fellow humans are suffering from hunger, lack of potable water and decent housing.

It serves no purpose to hate Saudis, Russians, North Koreans, Iranians, Chinese, Taliban or any country, racial, or ethnic population. There are wonderfully good people far outnumbering criminals, terrorists and sexual predators. Generalizing animosity toward an entire population is simply wrong thinking. Let’s grow up as a species and take control of our consciousness and evolve to demonstrate the universal love inside of us all.

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