What If?

Envisitude: Awaken The Visionary Within







Latin: “cause to be”: 

Form a mental picture

A possibility in the future    

Foresee or contemplate 

Conceive or visualize dismissive

Daydream, stargaze or ponder  

Ruminate, muse or reflect 


A settled way of thinking

A predisposition or tendency

Positive or negative

Impacts choice of action:

Aggressive, cavalier,


Positive, enlightened, relaxed

 I wondered how stuck in a position, mood or reaction my thoughts are programmed for. Was I virtually hardwired from years of having my neural pathways cover the same ground because it is the easiest and fastest response to a decision, judgment or action at hand. If my mind works like my computer it goes to the default choice automatically. Altering that action requires my conscious effort to stop, and consider, what if I chose a different path? Is there a fast track method to re-think how I think?

The Silver Bullet:

We casually use the term ‘silver bullet’ to refer to an action which cuts through complexity and provides an immediate solution to a problem. The allusion is to see a miraculous fix, otherwise portrayed as ‘waving a magic wand’. This belief in the magical power of silver is very ancient.

Drug companies coughed up “pills” as their scientific silver bullets. Pills advertised to make us better and stronger. In films, even The Lone Ranger chose to use silver bullets because they were promoted as more solid than traditional lead.

Sadly, we get really set in our ways…especially thinking and reacting. Like a computer program, our brain defaults to the subconscious pathways used most often. How can we modify or develop new neural pathways? When does this often occur? A little science should be interjected here.

Our brain’s neuroplasticity works in our favor when we regularly reinforce happiness, love,  patience, compassion and generosity. Yet negative emotions get programmed too. Anger and jealousy, for example, springs from our subconscious as powerful feelings. Our conscious level is where new and creative ideas and behavior can happen. Research confirms that we are conscious only 5% in our activities.

I’ve considered various credible studies. There appear to be some nearly universal concepts we can apply to help alter our thoughts and attitudes.

  1. COMMITMENT: When we want a better computer program we decide to change it and seek a new one.
  2. KNOW YOUR INTENTION: By stating aloud, and writing down that I have a clear purpose, my subconscious is alert to what I want.
  3. SET THE STAGE: Positive thinking is the attitude change we want most. Reduce exposure to negative people, critics and complainers. Their anger or frustration is within themselves, and not your problem. As we’re more relaxed, we “inhale” what is successful, beautiful and creative. Exhale our negative thoughts and we become more conscious.
  4. STAY IN THE PRESENT: While our subconscious gets used to the new pathway, we stay focused on now.
  5. MY BELIEF: It is not about WHAT we think…It is more critical to strongly believe that my goal is to transform HOW I think.  
  6. ON IMPORTANT ISSUES: Ask over and over: WHY…until the feeling is right.
  7. REMEMBER: Our rational mind is limited by childhood experiences and the inherited beliefs of parents, teachers and religious leaders.  Altering any major belief is a huge achievement!   
  8.  SLEEP is critical: Practice eight hours of sleep…Our two stages of sleep help the body recover from a long day. Empties waste  from the brain.
  9. Most scientists and progressive medical professionals confirm  that our thoughts are powerful triggers and can improve our  health and quality of life. We have the ability to better manage our thoughts.
  10. The Dalai Lama reminds us: “The goal is not to be better than the other man, but to better your previous self.”
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