
Must we experience a global lockdown and physical distancing to ask deeper questions? We have learned of individual nations demonstrating a shared sense of purpose. Artificial boundaries separate cultures but not the effect that one nation can have on other distant communities and people’s well being. Perhaps the touted benefits of a global marketplace focused on profits and not people?

Why is such a tiny word. With time now to reflect, I felt the need to re-visit some of my old beliefs. What did I wish for? Did I assume that what I read from experts always was in my best interest?

There are so many possible issues to consider that I had to be realistic. This column is not a book or academic paper. Everyone’s opinions and ideas deserve equal consideration. There are two sides to every issue. If we all were of one belief system not much would ever change. My “WHY” shelf of questions may include some of yours and I know you can add to this list. We are all deeply concerned, fearful and not prepared in our lifetime for this event. I write this column with a heavy heart but faith that compassion, respect and generosity will dominate people’s behavior going forward.  Let my WHYs begin:

WHY are so many humans in ill health? How have we weakened our immune system? Why didn’t the prescription “silver bullet” pills reduce cancer and diabetes? Why didn’t my government share truths about foods so I didn’t need to waste money on supplements and doctors? Why have so many small farms disappeared? Why were the early medical and nutritional spokespeople on preventative health care so maligned? My re-visiting these issues validated for me that I found too much self-serving advice in all the wrong sources.

WHY do I feel less free than ever before? I understand that some compromise is a given when leaders act to maintain our safety. When did sacrificing our personal privacy become the very information that found its way to profit making companies? Did Freedom of Speech in the most affluent, democratic countries become a hollow expression? Has the promise of an open Internet unifying millions been shattered by digital algorithms that exclude selected points of view? Before this virus strain emerged, people protesting was effective and growing in nations such as Spain, France, Germany, Italy, United States, Canada, China, Hong Kong, Iran, Egypt, Israel…to cite just what I recall. Did social/physical distancing bring that to a halt? Why are the poorest and physically weakest exploited?

As we self-isolate to protect others and ourselves there is much to ponder. What an unprecedented opportunity to think, research and regain a semblance of control. We can examine how we form our beliefs and what it means to exercise our free will.

There is now an overwhelming spirit of caring, courage and generosity…we can feel it, see it demonstrated, and responsibly spread positive thoughts to all we contact, think about and meet.

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