DPR Shine-A-Light

Discrimination, Prejudice, and Racism 

As we are on the 2021 cusp of crocus and daffodils emerging everything is changing. We may prefer the nostalgia of memories. However, our attitude should not be denial of the pandemics intensity and trauma on everyday lives, social institutions and economic systems. The seeds of dramatic change have been sown. The future is but a sea of opinions at this time. Many are questioning the motives for action, or lack thereof, by government leaders, major corporations and the ever-expanding roster of billionaires. 

Though we humans are a single species it is our diversity that has produced a mastery of science, technology, and industrial innovation. Deserts have become fertile deltas, soil from distant planets is collected, surgery is performed across continents through digital miracles, and billions of people may communicate and voice their views as a mass collective. It is a wondrous time overshadowed by much suffering and fear. We may have the tools to fix everything broken we can observe but we have yet to fully acknowledge and respond to the most important issue facing 

mankind … respect for one another and to honor our differences. Contrary to my usual writing approach of research and analysis, this will be a very brief article. DPR in the title needs no dictionary definitions to shed light on our behavior. 

From slavery, to caste systems, to ethnic, racial, and economic disparity, we have not evolved very far. We wear clever tee- shirts slogans, shout for victory for favored sports teams, wait with baited breath for the next outrageous actions of celebrities, and distract ourselves with sudoku, crosswords and anagrams. 

The energy of our existing systems, much like an old growth forest, provides support for “new growth” to appear. 

H this is not the time to move forward with respect and caring for our fellow humans, then I cannot imagine when that would be. 

When we speak from the heart, love is heard. When we share through generosity, our connection to others expands. 

Let us make the most of this opportunity to reflect and evolve. 

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