Magic Is In The Air

Do you believe in magic? The Lovin´ Spoonful made that song a smash hit in 1965. ¨Just go and listen, it´ll start with a smile¨ are the lyrics. There´s magic in music, and in the strength of our beliefs.

There are magicians with clever trickster eye/hand movements of cards. We´ve experienced with wide-eyed wonder those entertaining illusionists that challenge our perception. We see and know it isn´t real. Where in human life does magic exist that we can believe in?  

Words are powerful. Consider the potential within the word magic as a first letter in a thought.

Mystery- The unknown and new beginnings…different doorways to open.

Alchemy- Light shines on darkness…signs are there for the observant one.

Generosity- Give where it counts…an empathic local community thrives.

Intuition- Trust your mind/body/heart connection…the feeling is truth.

Clarity- Cut through any fog of fear…dismiss gossip, ask Why? Why Not?

Our planet is covered with lots of water. We humans are about 60% water with over fifty different chemical elements within us. Many organisms are similar in that respect. When, however, we accept responsibility as a highly evolved species, then it is our beliefs, behavior, and actions that are special gifts and strengths.

Alone, we cannot replace broken economic and political systems around the planet. Our thoughts, however, are powerful. There is a mass collective energy as more people are aligned with needed changes. Call it a transition period or a shift in human consciousness. Spirituality is an awareness that everyone and everything counts. Astrologists tell us we are entering a fresh age of Aquarius. Experience revelations of truth, expanding consciousness and massive shifts in energy. With mutual respect, and a loving attitude, an exciting future is on the horizon.     

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