Grief, Gifts and Gratitude

Human evolution is in our hands. Darwinian concepts aside… our species has “free will.” We are responsible for our thoughts, beliefs and actions. That is our free will.

Nature effectively balanced our planet before humans. We are but a speck of sand in relation to earth’s geological history. We have significantly intervened in this natural balance. What is our responsibility at this time? The virus is a wake-up call.

The human loss is shocking… death doesn’t discriminate. We are advised that elders and weakened immune systems are most at risk, but all ages have experienced death. Loss is experienced throughout our life. I believe it is like compounding interest…it grows and the feeling intensifies as we age. Unexpected loss accompanied by serious questions increases our fears and stress level.

To keep my body stronger throughout this crisis I took the advice of some world healers. They reminded me that my body needs thoughtful instructions for my mind to regulate my physical system. I already believe that our thoughts are powerful. I am healthy, strong and peaceful are my awakening messages to the brain. Rest, healthy foods and creative indoor activities support our body to maintain its homeostasis (a stable internal system).            

Having weaned me off the repetitive breaking news fear promoters I’m enjoying clearer thoughts, ignoring worries about what is not really so important, absorbing wisdom (not just facts and knowledge) from different sources that have no products to sell. We have a gift of “time” now to reflect, research, and re-program.  This is an opportunity to consider what we need and the person we want to be. It is exciting to envision millions of people and children finding new values, replacing old beliefs, and letting go of worn-out stories in our minds. When a computer program doesn’t do the job…we un-install the old, replace it, and re-set to move forward. A good metaphor for our controlling mind. Lock-down, physical distancing, and masks are everyone’s individual responsibility. Lots of emotions arise under such unique conditions.

Many inspiring insights came into our living room via YouTube…especially Sadhguru’s talks and interviews. For example; he was asked about the intense online and verbal anger directed at specific people. His beautiful reply was “I’m not giving OTHERS the PRIVILEGE of making me angry! Don’t react to disputed behaviors. It is not the economy or corruption that deserves attention. Focus on the hungry, less educated, and unhealthy. Putting food on tables is something we can do.”

As I learn of what individual leaders choose to do in their respective states, provinces and communities, it is easy to discern who helps people first. If there’s one standout making people’s lives better why not advocate and support fifty more like that leader. Waiting years between elections hasn’t worked for most systems. We’re waiting on the wrong people. If we do more every day to demonstrate a caring attitude, real movements can be created that “make a difference.”

Getting away from the headlines has helped me be more alert to people’s motives. Do all seemingly “do-gooders” have other motives?

Going behind the obvious message to look deeper into an issue is enlightening and I feel more in control of information I’m taking in. In this increasingly digitally controlled world, THEY know us, we don’t know them! I realize that systems aren’t corrupt or evil…people are.

Before closing, A joke by Sadhguru. A mother wanted her son to be more disciplined. She invited the local priest in to talk to her son. An imposing figure in robe and poise he faced the young boy across the dining room table. Do you know where God is? The young boy looked under the table. The priest moved to the coffee table and forcefully said Do you know where God is? The boy sheepishly looked under the glass top. Exasperated, the spiritual leader put his hand on the boy’s chest and said loudly, Do you where God is? At this point the boy took off and ran outside to his friend. He excitingly told his friend that “They lost God! And they think we did it! We’re in for it now!

Amen…be well, generous and loving.

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