Shine A Light

When should we anticipate great change happening? Can we discern the likely tipping point or threshold?

The Turkish playwright, novelist and thinker, Mehmet Murat Ildan said “The most precious light is the one that visits you in your darkest hour!”

We are approaching the Spring Equinox. It begins on March 21st. It is a time of new beginnings. How we long to see a fresh start for the unsettled times surrounding us. Night and day are essentially the same lengths for everyone, accepting that time zones are different. I feel there is a metaphor for us to consider in this universal event.

Obama won the US Presidency on a theme of Hope and Change. Voters acted to alter the negative course of events and behaviors that his predecessor demonstrated. A bright light came on the scene.

We seek out a bright light on waking up…it’s a technique on nearly all the self- help lists to jump-start our day.

What is it about light and dark that affects our mood, attitude and feelings? I was puzzled. My intuition was saying this subject has a lot to do with the chaotic and unstable events headlined in our news. I hear and read phrases such as: “they are evil”, “its his shadow side”, “that’s reptilian behavior”, “such dark humor”, and “where’s their moral values?”

Shine A Light is a song by the Banners. A Liverpool U.K. band that took off in 2016 internationally. Among its lyrics were: “Light Will Lead The Way, Will Set You Free. Cause I’m Only Looking for A Little Peace.” Isn’t that what we are all seeking for family, others and ourselves. Perhaps if I understood more about light and dark, and good and evil, I could stay better centered and grounded. I want to move forward toward a bright future and not be deterred by events I have no control over. Vallarta provides an inspiring setting, as we can observe the light coming from the families and happy visitors around us.

On March 9th there was a full moon. The moon couldn’t exist, however, without also having its shadow side. Out of its darkness, pulses its bright light. The darker one side gets, the more brilliant its light appears.

I wondered why there were people that did very bad things? Motives of greed, rejection, and power are fairly obvious to interpret. But were such behaviors cultural, and learned from life experiences? Do babies know right from wrong? Good from bad? I found amazing studies!

Research I located can be summarized. A Yale study using simple morality scenarios, with 6 and 10-month old babies, found they overwhelmingly preferred “good guys” to “bad guys.” Another research study of 20-month-old children concluded that, under two-year olds know what’s fair, and are natural helpers to another person. The factors that underlay basic morality are in place before children turn 2.

How do we as adults experience light and dark symbolically?

A Psychology Today report analyzed the popular Star Wars series that portrayed light and dark as opposites…yet there existed a greater power…the Force. “The light side is about defense, peace, and considered action. The dark side is about war, aggression, greed and snap emotional reaction.” It seems that once we, or someone else, labels a person’s behavior as good or bad, we don’t see them veering from their path.

We observe this in “negative political ads” that may have little or no truth to their messages. I believe people are not “all good” or “all evil.”

We judge too quickly as our mind puts people and ideas into good or bad containers. Yin and yang symbols are complementary…everything shares good and bad qualities.

When we experience good and bad behavior we take sides. With such opposites, we might forget that greater distinctions give us sharper contrast and meaning. We are observing great contrasts in people’s behavior today. 

I questioned why helping people isn’t the first order of business for leaders and billionaires. There’s rich and poor, healthy and disabled, educated and illiterate. These are obvious contrasts and deserving of attention. Yet these humanitarian concerns receive only minor token investments while weaponry, space travel, privacy invasive technology, and sports entertainment is supported massively. How large a contrast must occur before a brighter light shines on these issues and change occurs?

The emergence of light out of darkness in human behavior may be accelerating. The current spotlight, for example, is on child abuse, healthcare, drugs, corporate greed, gun control, corruption, genetically modified foods, and discriminatory practices. Light is a symbol of life and happiness. When enough people on the planet conclude there is way too much darkness, the pendulum will swing to correct such an imbalance. The “breaking news” distractions are magnified to keep us off balance and fearful. People have more in common than the divisive messages media sources push at us.

Scientists exploring “dark matter” believe it is energy. It hasn’t been observed directly. It is invisible to light and hard to detect, but has gravitational impact on stars in space. Dark matter particles are now being studied. If scientists can shine a light on what seems impossible to see, surely there is hope for man to do the same to ease human suffering. Is there light at the end of the tunnel?

Curtains vary from sheer to blackout. Each has its place. Darkness rests the body and mind. Light is empowering and positive. We intuitively know what we need more of. What can we shine our light on?

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