
August 8, 2020, Worldviews, Pipelines Of Power

Pipelines Of Power

In Summer 2020, our focus is appropriately on the virus,...
32 - A Perfect Storm, July 2020, Worldviews

A Perfect Storm

Now is the time…Poet, author and activist Maya Angelou said...
29 - The End Game, June 2020, Worldviews

The End Game

When is an event not just an event? When over...
28 - Once Upon A Time In America, May 2020, Worldviews

Once Upon A Time in America

Sergio Leone’s sweeping four-hour epic with Robert DeNiro flooded my...
23 - Reset, April 2020, Worldviews


Have you had enough! I recall years of downloads and...
25 - Why, April 2020, Worldviews


Must we experience a global lockdown and physical distancing to...
21 - The Folly of Fear, March 2020, Worldviews

The Folly of Fear

As governments around the globe close borders and curtail transportation...
20 - Shine A Light, March 2020, Worldviews

Shine A Light

When should we anticipate great change happening? Can we discern...
11 - Be Of The World, Not In It, June 2019, Worldviews

Be Of The World, Not In It

As you browsed the bookshelves one title seemed to glow....
10 - A Billion & Counting, May 2019, Worldviews

A Billion and Counting

How do we comprehend large numbers and what values do...

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