The Story
My background in an Anthropology/Archaeology career led me to study ancient history, pyramids, Stonehenge, Crop Circles, and Sacred Buildings. The Tree of Life, mandalas, chakras, circles, and hexagon forms became integrated with my exploring numerology, astrology, and architectural design. I could never have imagined myself an artist. My passion was building an internationally recognized collection of original Polish Cultural Posters.
A serious onset of rheumatoid arthritis re-shaped my writing left hand into a gnarly shape of crooked fingers. I became a fast two-finger typist on my laptop. Three books came into being. When the daily rains kept us indoors on a holiday in England’s Lake District I made an unexpectedly prophetic purchase. A children’s coloring book about pirates and a box of Crayola was my creative outlet. I could not have dreamed where this journey was headed.
A big box of Sharpies with over thirty colors and a fine paper sketchpad joined my art supplies. The pirates became fashionable characters as the color combinations opened my imagination.
I began to draw with my left-hand based on visioning, meditating, and dreams. Each Sacred Design is unique and only one of each exists. We journey together when a specific Design speaks to you.
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