When is an event not just an event? When over 3 billion people are locked down in their homes. I am very concerned: When leaders and experts present very different opinions on facts. When my actions regarding personal and family health choices subjects me to possible arrest. When there are virtually no leaders talking about building our immune system. When tobacco, alcohol, sugar, GMO corn, and other edibles are not labeled health hazards by responsible government agencies. When news, fear based movies and books program us to believe that control of the people means more safety. When the promise of social media was free speech, it is now clearly a censored tool to control behavior and reactions. When leaders point to scapegoats as the cause of a major problem are we being misdirected and distracted? When trade wars become opportunities to blame other countries for one’s own countries problems. When taxpayer money is spent on weaponry. When massive business closures bankrupt companies, create huge unemployment and feeds a panic attitude regarding basic necessities such as food, housing and money to pay rent or mortgage.
We must ASK WHY? Is this what we want? I feel an overwhelming loss of trust in the institutions intended to serve our basic needs.
For this virus lockdown there are numerous theories about its origin being broadcast by leaders and unknown sources. Entire countries, leaders, experts, organizations and governments may get smeared and discredited or hailed as brilliant. I am confused. It is very difficult to follow the dots and motivation of decision makers. WHY?
In earlier columns you would know I am not a conspiracy proponent. I find it is most often employed as a label to discredit possible truths and shut down investigation and critical thinking.
What are the ideal times when the label conspiracy arises? Usually during periods of hardship, anxiety and fear. We seem to be attracted to conspiracy theories emotionally and psychologically.
I believe that TRUST is the key to believing that what we are told is honest and truthful. As confidence in our sources of information, leaders or descriptions of events weakens…distrust strengthens and we become cynical, suspicious and fearful.
Right now is a perfect storm for labeling facts and truth as conspiracy. It is also an opportunity to distract us from seriously considering the massive changes occurring in our daily life, economic systems, privacy and the overwhelmingly digital global marketplace.
When I want to learn or understand something, I am very leery of labels. For me, someone spreading a conspiracy label onto an event or person could be dishonest or courageous. We won’t know where it was introduced from or what the motivation/self interest is. The plotters of bad schemes want to create a filter in our minds that what we learn feels ambiguous, emotionally misleading, roadblocks our critical thinking and common sense, distorts other viewpoints and taps into our negative life experiences. So for me as a writer, voter, admirer of the human spirit, and consumer, I really dislike the use of the term conspiracy. I want to follow facts and make up my mind. Clearly, I have been greatly influenced by the virus pandemic. It is that perfect storm where we demand truth that is hidden within a fog of confusion, fear, distraction and massive hardship. Like the best of Netflix mysteries we love a mystery. The most popular books, movies and TV shows are mysteries. We are programmed to listen to news, government, experts, religious spokespersons and even science.
The definitions of conspiracy can be boiled down to “An evil, unlawful, treacherous plan formulated in secret by two or more persons.”
The term is never used in a positive situation. Conspiracies abound in these examples:
Overthrow a political party or a popular leader
Control prices and reduce competition
Take over a company
Destroy a person’s reputation and credibility and silence opposition
Impact through laws social or cultural change
Create an enemy in the public’s mind
CONTROL-POWER-MONEY: Where these motives are planned actions the public interest is rarely served.
Divide and conquer is an old theorem. Diversity, however, is perfect to moving forward. If everyone on the planet thought the same we’d see no change or innovation. By spreading bigotry and mistrust among peoples of different cultures, race, religion and gender, the people’s power is greatly diminished.
This is a time for unity. All people deserve to be treated equally and with respect. Let us take a message from humanitarian and physician Albert Schweitzer: “Constant kindness can accomplish much. As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust, and hostility to evaporate.”
Touche. Great arguments. Keep up the amazing spirit.
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