Leaders Without A Voice

Considering the last two years what should we reflect on? What have we lost and gained? As we listen to opinions, scientists and government officials what are we to believe? Why do certain countries keep hope and inspiration alive and others proclaim gloom and doom? So many voices, yet where is there truth and compassion? After all, it is people who count. Those who distract our attention and thinking with talks of budgets, trade wars, inflation, political partisanship, terrorism, space stations, and sex scandals have lost their way. The voices seem well cared for. Privileged in so many ways. Self imposed from the collective masses of humanity. Isolating themselves in protected wombs of security.

I have proposed that WHY is the most powerful word in any language. Let´s apply that concept to the systems that govern our daily life.

Why do we elect people who promise to serve the public interest? Because we believe it is their responsibility to do so. Corporate leaders serve their shareholders. Government leaders serve citizen tax payers. We the people speak with our hard earned money and votes. Are leaders listening?

Why are some leaders intending to serve people, instead choos a path where their personal wealth and future is sold or traded to the highest bidder? What happens when a leader´s best intentions face the reality of a system they must function within? Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Aristotle offers one answer. Potentiality versus actualiity. The egg, our freshly elected leader, has the potential to become a chicken. For a system to work effectively is must penetrate two sides. Think of two dominating political parties. Whom do leaders serve first? The voters who elected them or special interest groups seeking favors and influence?

What kind of system would we design given the voice to demand it? We would chose representatives not frozen in the status quo. I find hope and inspiration in the women expressing their voices. The feminine of today speaks with love, inclusion, equality, morality and integrity. When leaders listen and observe the human conditions around them and take action, only then does society evolve and institutions change.


  1. Nelson

    Why? Spiritually bankrupt people elect spiritually corrupted and bankrupt leaders
    As for the feminine voice, that ship has long sailed
    The hand that rocks the cradle riled the world. What happens to the world when that hand is bloodied up
    You have men on the one side who have the right to bear arms and stand their ground
    On the other side are women who believe it is their right to kill their child
    These murderers are then asked to negotiate peace

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