Getting Grounded in Chaotic Times

Thursday, March 19th is the Spring Equinox.  This happens at the same moment for everyone though at different local times. Day and night are nearly equal. It is interpreted as a time of struggle between light and darkness. It represents a fresh start and a reminder to get yourself in balance.

 I have lately been feeling challenged, both physically and emotionally.

Lower energy effects decisions and confidence. I asked myself for an answer. Overwhelmed was the conclusion. Missing a few days of meditation, and too much scanning world event headlines triggered this malaise.  

The events unfolding today include flu panic, trade wars, climate change, political divisiveness, robotics replacing workers, drug dependencies, genetically modified food crops, immigration policies, hidden costs of living, overcrowded schools and underpaid police, fire and social service professionals. The list is longer, and every family has their own critical personal concerns.

Maintaining a healthy body and positive mental attitude in the face of a seemingly chaotic world is challenging. Last week’s column focused on being empathic to global events, but not being energetically and emotionally drawn into them. Understand what you cannot fix and don’t let it effect you. There are no “good old days” as we have often said. Living in the present is our Achilles heel to master.

Tools to better cope and respond to situations more calmly could replace our over medicated societies. I was determined to find and apply some simple techniques to stabilize myself. There is ocean and mountain beauty all around me in Vallarta. I wanted to clear away some of the daily mental debris to experience more joy and get grounded.

We can’t just leap to joy…there is a path we need to chose to move forward. I thought of the explorer clipper ships and their old fashioned large steering wheel with its spokes. If they were not firmly held together and reinforced it would fall apart and weaken…jeopardizing the great body it controls. Maybe I was spread too thin, and needed to allocate a set time to reflect and rest. The proverb “silence is golden” goes back thousands of years. Seemed like a much better investment than trying to outguess financial markets, interest rates and currency values.

I came across the phrase “inner revolution” and loved it. With so many people around us are feeling anxious and negative, I find it is best to politely not react to their problems and fears…just exit gently from the scene. Select people whom you want to associate with.  Like attracts like. So If I’m up and happy, that’s whom I will attract. I took pen to paper and listed some ways I will support my “inner revolution”:

Meditation: Started with 5 minutes a day and worked up from there.

Begin The Day With a Clear Intention: Saying out loud: This is a great day. I wish for a heavenly day for myself (or us), and everyone I (we), come in contact with. Be generous, street entertainers need to eat too.

Sleep and Rest: Listen to your body. Eight hours sleep is average, and use afternoon meditation time to rest the body and mind.

Be Selfish: Have that massage, haircut, new garment you feel great in, go to the movies, and change a routine have-to-do that can wait another day. I buy a small luxury…feels great at modest cost.

Food Choices: We are what we put into our bodies. I cut out as much sugar, salt, fried foods, alcohol, dairy and low value carbs as possible. A diet is not the answer. I try to balance my intake with more veggies, fruits, nut and beans, lean meats, seafood, sauerkraut and apple cider vinegar. Enjoy a treat each week. Total abstinence is not a good practice. Include 15 minutes of sun with sunscreen.

Exercise: I made walking my daily practice, as that’s what works for me.

We are all different, so my list is not your list. Time is what we all have in common. How we use it is a personal choice. There is always time. I accepted that everything I did, thought and related to would be enhanced when I took better care of myself. I was happier, more energetic, creative, and my joy was obvious to my partner and close friends. Enjoy being on the journey, not anxious for the destination.

Play: Lastly, but very important as adults. This activity, whatever activity you chose, enhances imagination, cognitive and emotional strength and physical dexterity. When we are passionate and focused, it is a form of meditation. Three years ago I spent a boring, gray, rainy afternoon filling in a child’s pirate ship coloring book with crayons. That playful experience led to today. Now, my original geometric art designs grace people’s walls and art wear.

I am most inspired by speaker and author, Esther Hicks. She was in the 2006 film, The Secret. Here, in closing, are her words: Ask and It is Given, Trust & Let Thing’s Happen, No Accident is Accidental, Let The Magic Happen and Our Thoughts and Emotions Are Powerful.

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